Monday, September 26, 2016

The fourth wall of reality

If the world is a stage, then the fourth wall is the 4th dimension - Time, as everything is "spread out" ( neither Self or no-self, but multitude of parallel selfies) . The question: is reality structured like metafiction, so that "character breaking" is possible? Perhaps the answer lies in self-awareness. Since we are the participants of this universal play (the big history), if the play wants the audience to recognize it's "aliveness" or is "constructed" (by author), then it would probably communicate through the techniques of metafiction, such as V-Effekt. Theater of Cruelty and Power of Now, both deal with the distance effect. "All that is transitory is but a metaphor". Simulation theory and Simulacrum (text analysis) are two side of the same reality token.

(Two books on Block Universe Theory:)

(1) Four-Dimensionalism: An Ontology of Persistence and Time (Theodore Sider)

(2) Objective Becoming (Bradford Skow)

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