Saturday, June 29, 2024

至人者, 淡定於永續

夫子曰:「夫道,於大不終,於小不遺,故萬物備。廣廣乎其無不容也,淵乎其不可測也。形德仁義,神之末也,非至人孰能定之!夫至人有世,不亦大乎!而不足以為之累。天下奮柄而不與之偕,審乎無假而不與利遷,極物之真,能守其本,故外天地,遺萬物,而神未嘗有所困也。通乎道,合乎德,退仁義,賓禮樂,至人之心有所定矣。」( 莊子 天道篇 六)

Reality Hacker has to study everything. He has to get the bottom in order to see Above and Beyond. His heart aches, his body tired and the mind wandering. He is old now. Yet, he'd be led back to the Way, because he's rooted in Spirit - the everlasting self-sustainable Meditation without meditation. 

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