Friday, December 30, 2016

De-constructing Reality Labyrinth (I)

De-constructing the Reality Labyrinth - Introduction

Reality is a Labyrinth, not Maze (see the picture below). The rule is simple: automatically we were threw into the entrance after birth. We then traverse through the seven roundabouts. Along the way we might choose to stop, to watch, to collect rewards, or to dwell. Occasionally few might decide to follow the mysterious drums they heard from nowhere, and to go deeper. After many twists and turns there is the center. From there, an even more difficult pathway will lead to the exit.
The exit happens to be adjacent to entrance. Both hang the the same (labyrinth) instruction: "You are the world" (J. Krishnamurti). 

The followings are blueprint of this Reality Labyrinth:

(1) Entrance:
You are the center of your subjective world.

(2) The Seven-Circuit:
The "world-knot" - the circular-layered construct of the subject/objective.

(3) Center:
Lights on nobody home.

(4) Returning:

The Inner-Outer Correspondences.

(5) Exit:
You are the center of the "inter-subjective" world.

(To be continued @2-0-1-7)


Four states of consciousness

The Mandukya Upanishad describes four states of consciousness, namely waking (jågrat), dreaming (svapna), and deep sleep (suṣupti),[web 1][web 2] which correspond to the Three Bodies Doctrine:

    The first state is the waking state, in which we are aware of our daily world. "It is described as outward-knowing (bahish-prajnya), gross (sthula) and universal (vaishvanara)".[web 2] This is the gross body.

   The second state is the dreaming mind. "It is described as inward-knowing (antah-prajnya), subtle (pravivikta) and burning (taijasa)".[web 2] This is the subtle body.

    The third state is the state of deep sleep. In this state the underlying ground of concsiousness is undistracted, "the Lord of all (sarv'-eshvara), the knower of all (sarva-jnya), the inner controller (antar-yami), the source of all (yonih sarvasya), the origin and dissolution of created things (prabhav'-apyayau hi bhutanam)".[web 2] This is the causal body.
  The fourth factor is Turiya, pure consciousness. It is the background that underlies and transcends the three common states of consciousness.[web 3] [web 4] In this consciousness both absolute and relative, saguna brahman and Nirguna Brahman, are transcended.[30] It is the true state of experience of the infinite (ananta) and non-different (advaita/abheda), free from the dualistic experience which results from the attempts to conceptualise ( vipalka) reality.[31] It is the state in which ajativada, non-origination, is apprehended.

The Feng-Shei Code

"The Feng-Shei Code" is a Hidden Reality game I invented and play. Similar to "The Da Vinci Code" or "Angels and Demons", you navigate the city or even a world journey to follow your symbolic clues, using principles from geomancy and anthropology. The key is to uncover your personal symbology. The Universe acts like an open world game, while each person hold private key to decode the publicly displayed messages. Usually it takes a life time to master one's symbol vocabularies. In a sense, we are like an A.I. in training by the Universe. Through life events, quests and especially hardships we learn to recognize deeper patterns. Once we are able to decode the hidden messages along the pathway, our ordinary really is suddenly augmented by rich meanings, as if waking up in a lucid dream, or a video game screen with dashboard texts. There should an APP for this.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

現實迷宫是怎樣建成的? (De-constructing the Reality Labyrinth) - (I)

現實迷宫是怎樣建成的? (De-constructing the Reality Labyrinth) - (I)

現實是一座迷宫 ((Reality is a Labyrinth ) ,如附圖。它的遊戲規則簡單: 出生幾年後我們自動被投進入口。之後沿著七重迴旋,或沿途流覽, 或停駐觀看; 或成家立業, 或被偶而傳來的神秘鼓聲吸引而一路深探。九彎十八拐後進入核心,再從中心沿另一條更難行的路出來。而入口處與出口處相鄰,牆上掛著同一句迷宫指南: 是中英对照的克里斯穆提名言: "You are the world"(你即世界)。


(1) 入口:

(2) 七迴路:

(3) 中心:

(4) 歸來:

(5) 出口:
你是你"互為主客"(inter-subjective) 世界的中心。

(待續。2-0-1-7) -

(English version come later)

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Narratives (1st + 3rd = 2nd)

"When you look at the sun, it's actually the sun looking back at you".

This means: when we begin to see this world through both first-person and third-person narratives, we become both actor and audience in this dream-like stage. It is part of  the awaking, and this is my path. It's a story of U.


“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.” 

This quote from Philip K. Dick is opposite to the New Age belief: "You Create Your Reality". Do you take the red, or blue pill?   

If objectivity is what we seek, could objectivity be simply defined as (isomorphic) "invariance"?

Friday, December 16, 2016


If Life is indeed a level-up game, it was built by two (meta) engines - physics engine and story engine. We understand the former better and better, but only scratch the surface on the latter. The key might lie on understand how "Events" are connected. One day when extra large scale Event Stores are constructed with world events mapped with personal events, then we'd know that we are both actors and audiences, with director commentating on the back channel. A 3D holograph played from the 2D black hole vinyl.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Escape the Room

Just like "The Two Kings and the Two Labyrinths" by Borges, Life is a bigger hidden maze, a large scale "Escape The Room" setting.

It is also interesting to note the difference between labyrinths and mazes. While the progress of science resembles maze running, it is achieved by simple labyrinth-like principle: repeatable trial-n-error; on other hand,  religion often starts with labyrinth-like truth statements, but approaching it's core it turns into paradoxical maze.

Is life labyrinth or maze?

(A maze is a complex branching (multicursal) puzzle that includes choices of path and direction, may have multiple entrances and exits, and dead ends. A labyrinth is unicursal i.e. has only a single, non-branching path, which leads to the center then back out the same way, with only one entry/exit point.

Some labyrinths have a spiritual significance. They signify the complex and long path to reach God.

Mazes are used in science experiments to study spatial awareness and (sometimes) intelligence. )