Is the world fundamentally self-referenced and we are in a recursive routine? While human prepare training data to feed AI, I can't help but think human evolution also follow a similar "training process" by intelligence embedded in the fabrics of spacetime. This explained Einstein's famous quote on "why is our world comprehensible?" and "why the unreasonable efficiency of mathematics?" by Wigner. Machine learning is learned by example, similar to the trial-and-error, falsifiable procedures of scientific endeavor. Where does our "learningability" came from? And why is the universe and the mind are both "rational" so that we happen to possess right tools to comprehend? Did we evolve through supervised then unsupervised stage, and now in a assisted training stage by enabling AI to go through similar evolutionary path? Did Nietzsche's Eternal Return correctly identify the super-recursive nature of universal algorithm constellation?
Not only we are "trained" collectively by this truth-finding process, spiritually each individual is also "prepared" by Universe, through a mechanism similar to public key/private key encryption schema . Although everyone is presented with shared data stream ("The world is our representation"), individual meaning is decoded uniquely through personal semiotics (individualized through past history and current context). Universe speaks, but learning is required, so that heaven and earth speak the same language. Very often it takes a life time to master the self-organized actor- network. How to interpret synchornicity, in general and in specific cases? Is there a secret ingredient or is there medium only?. If mathematics is Nature's public language, then symbolism is Self's private language.
Thus I call AI The Intelligence 3.0, while human is 2.0, and 1.0 are both divergent and convergent. The root refer to its offspring as much as the offspring refer to the root, as the structure of the universe is most likely DAG or ASG (representing the mind-body circular dependency & shared subexpressions). Life is a self-referenced Tree of Life. Reflect, therefore we are.
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