Friday, August 5, 2016

Reality Code Repository GitHub

What if the objective reality (consensus reality) is built from the merging of the subjective worlds, like a distributed version control system? When does the parallel code got checked in and out into branches? Most likely sometimes in the sleep cycle, during which time the consciousness goes through different states (waking, dreaming, dreamless). Everyday each individual experiences reality shrift effortless: from selfless (dreamless) to pure subjective (dreaming) to intersubjective (or objective) worlds. The key question lies in how intersubjective become or is isomorphic with objective. Reality is the ultimate DevOps in action, where the release cycle was previous hidden but will be known someday. 

Think of God as "pull-request" in Process Theology:

"The deity receives the world of actual occasions into its experience; then, comparing what has actually occurred with the realm of pure possibility, God informs the world with new ideals (new aims), customized for each actual entity, for what realistically could be achieved. Whitehead sometimes refers to this aspect of the process as the superjective nature of God......

God is permanent in the sense of everlastingly envisioning the realm of possibility; the world is permanent as objectively immortal in God's memory. God is fluent in constantly acquiring new experiences of the world and the world is fluent in the rhythm of the birth and death of actual occasions.... The world is one in virtue of God's experience of it; the world is many because of the plurality of occasions that make it up. God is eminently actual in comparison to the world by achieving a unification of worldly occasions in the consequent nature that is beyond any of them taken singly; but the world is eminently actual in comparison to God's primordial nature, which is not concrete, although it is as infinite as the entire range of possibility....  God creates the world by informing it with possibilities (technically speaking, God provides “initial aims” for every nascent occasion). The world creates God, not by bringing God into existence, but by creating something in God, namely the material for what shall become objectively immortal."


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