Have mind/body routines, built around sleep and various states of brain waves. The key mystery is in the transit from the private world to the public world. Is inter-subjectivity isomorphic to objectivity? Truth ((Big history Dharma) is selfless thus on the outside but magick starts from self. Reality is strange looped. Map reality layers from the inside out and from the bottom up, the information-energy-matter triad.
Follow synchronicities. There existed forward and backward worldlines from the beginning to the end. Future and past merge periodically and release. Think meaningful parallelism. Find your multiplicities and disguises. Keep folding/unfolding space-time patterns for (super) symmetry. Life responds because it self organize and converges towards orders.
While the world connects more and more you are pushed into further and deeper loneliness. Be interesting for your own sake. Build outlets on balance. Actively unlock creative powers and cultivate subtle energy, for Qi is one ubiquitous interface among systems. Rider and horse need each others. The ultimate language is constructed for thought but command neurotransmitters or even outwards.
Observe but leave some signposts in the labyrinth. Connect threads until head meets tail. Decouple the world-knots progressively. We are all self-referenced and the answer is structural.
Sun is still your inspiration. Illumination would shine through once you are truly rested. Have fun, and faith from time to time. Until then, breath and void are your best friends.