Reality is meant to be broken. Sciences (hard and soft), arts, spiritual quests are all forms of reality hacking, to expose the inner workings of the consensus reality. Magick, although susceptible, is not without potential to become future techs. Reality is structured like meta-fiction.
The steps to hack reality is recursive in nature, as reality is self-referential, a strange loop. Any question will turn into chains of being, if asked correctly. Traversing the tangled hierarchy of nature and human artifacts reveals the circular dependency pattern like a sleight-of-hand of causality. Reality hacking aims to uncover open mysteries hidden in plain sight. To do that, reality hackers devote themselves to study the source code of EVERYTHING.
Be forewarned about the potential stack overflow caused by this self-fulfillment. To hack the world is to hack our own life. Reality is public but encrypted. The world and the individual world-knot is asymmetrically constructed. Each person's own fate is the private key to decrypt public histories. "No one but the pure at heart may find the golden grail" - that's how Universe secured away her deepest secret from the wrong hands. Compassion -> Knowledge -> Power => That's the order to unlock.
Every Reality Hacker should ask:
1. Is reality dual or non-dual?
2. If non-dual, what's the One?
3. What are the interfaces between each reality sub-system, from quantum, physical, chemical, biological, to physiological, social, economical and the narrative?
Possible roads lead to reality hacking include reality charting, reality mining, reality simulation, reality gaming, and self-realization, etc.
By asking how consensus reality is built, reality hackers run into the rabbit hole, recursively get lost untying the stubborn world-knot. Is it worth it? Maybe not. So why do it? Because reality is meant to be broken. Because we are here.