Monday, October 7, 2019

Emergence Theory - E8

Emergence theory views spacetime in a way that builds on Einstein’s spacetime model, in which the future and past exist simultaneously in one geometric object. We view this object as a system in which all frames of spacetime interact with all other frames all the time. In other words, there is a constant, dynamic, causality loop relationship between all moments in time, in which the past influences the future and the future influences the past.

We view consciousness as both emergent and fundamental. In its fundamental form, consciousness exists inside every tetrahedron/pixel in the 3D quasicrystal in the form of something we call viewing vectors. Think of viewing vectors as micro-scale observers in the traditional quantum mechanical sense. These observers actualize reality by making ultra-fast, Planck scale choices about the binary states of the pixels (on, off, left, right) at every moment in time. This fundamental,  primitive, yet highly sophisticated form of consciousness steers the patterns on the quasicrystalline point-space toward more and more meaning. Eventually consciousness expands into higher degrees of order such as nature and life as we know it. From there life and consciousness keep expanding, growing exponentially, into all corners of the universe. Imagine humankind one day populating trillions of galaxies, its instantaneous communicative channels and high levels of consciousness growing over time into a massive, universal-scale neural network––a collective consciousness of sorts. This collective consciousness conceives the fundamental, “primitive” consciousness that powers the quasicrystal from which it emerges.

A creates B.
B creates C.
And C creates A.

There are no known laws in physics that place an upper limit on what percentage of the universe can exponentially self-organize into freewill systems such as us humans. Indeed, physics allows the possibility that all the energy of the universe can be converted into a single, conscious system that itself is a network of conscious systems. Given enough time, what can happen will eventually happen. By this axiom, universal emergent consciousness has emerged via self-organization somewhere ahead of us in 4D spacetime. And because it is possible, it is inevitable. In fact, according to the evidence of retro-causality time loops, that inevitable future is co-creating us right now just as we are co-creating it.