Thursday, September 27, 2018

The anomalies of Light (and Consciousness)

"Theoretical physics was taking me closer toward the ultimate truths of the physical world, while my pursuit of experimental psychology was a first step toward truth in the inner world of consciousness. Moreover, the deeper I went in these two directions, the closer the truths of the inner and outer worlds became. And the bridge between them was light.

Both relativity and quantum physics, the two great paradigm shifts of modern physics, started from anomalies in the behavior of light, and both led to radical new understandings of the nature of light. For example, in relativity theory, at the speed of light time comes to a stop-in effect, that means for light there is no time whatsoever. Furthermore, a photon can traverse the entire universe without using up any energy-in effect, that means for light there is no space. In quantum theory, we find that light has zero mass and charge, which in effect means that it is immaterial. Light, therefore, seems to occupy a very special place in the cosmic scheme; it is in some ways more fundamental than time, space, or matter. The same, I later discovered, was true of the inner light of consciousness."

Peter Russell - Mysterious Light: A Scientist's Odyssey

Thursday, August 9, 2018

When science, art, magick meet

Rules are meant to be broken.
Laws are meant to be discovered.

Thursday, July 5, 2018


諸法從本以來即是解脱相,等你—人覺醒而已, In Real Time.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

What Are The Reality Hackers Doing (Mondo 2000)

Defining the Reality Hackers

the 1980s 'zine High Frontiers morphed into Reality Hackers which eventually evolved into the massively-influential Mondo 2000. The transition from a "psychedelic magazine with a tech gloss" to a "tech magazine with a psychedelic gloss" was spurred primarily by its editors' growing interest in cyberpunk, virtual reality, smart drugs, and weird science. But as RU writes in a new essay from the Mondo 2000 History Project, he also hoped to turn the 'zine into a commercially-sustainable venture supported in part by tech company ads. After all, "acid dealers didn't advertise." During the 1988 birth of Reality Hackers, RU came up with a description of the emerging subculture:

What Are The Reality Hackers Doing:

1: Using high technology for a life beyond limits
2: Expanding the effectiveness and enjoyment of the human brain, mind, nervous system and senses
3: Blurring the distinction between science fiction and reality
4: Making big bureaucracy impossible
5: Entertaining any notion — using what works
6: Infusing new energy into postmodern culture
7: Using hardcore anthropology to understand human evolution
8: Using media to send out mutational memes (thought viruses)
9: Blurring the distinctions between high technology and magic
10: Replacing nerd mythology with sexy, healthy, aesthetic, & artful techno-magicians of both genders.

The Ultimate Watcher

God's mission is to create the best of all possible worlds for everyone. In this sense there are endless quantum split and parallel worlds. He visited every one of them at least once, or just visit one of them, because the process of actualization  can prehend (aggregate) many elements. By the 'end', he repaints the picture of reality and says: the world is my representation, all subjective/objective/inter-subjective/inter-objective are just his thought. All is thought. God has awesome process power of this physical universe, but god-in-this-world as Now can only access command prompt, with no -h available.

The Ultimate Watcher

From the Wigner thought experiment they have postulated an unusual theory on the ultimate destiny of life in the universe. They believe that quantum wave-functions do not collapse like the Copenhagen interpretation holds, nor that each collapse actually buds off separate universes (like the quantum multiverse hypothesis holds) but rather that the universe is a participatory universe: the entire universe exists as a single massive quantum superposition, and that at the end of time (in the open universe of the Xeelee Sequence, time and space are unbounded, or more precisely, bounded only at the Cauchy boundaries of "Time-like infinity" and "Space-like infinity"), when intelligent life has collected all information (compare the Final anthropic principle and the Omega Point), and transformed into an "Ultimate Observer", who will make the "Final observation", the observation which collapses all the possible entangled wave-functions generated since the beginning of the universe. They believe further that the Ultimate Observer will not merely observe, but choose which world line will be the true world-line, and that it will choose the one in which humanity suffers no Squeem or Qax occupations. However, the Ultimate Observer cannot choose between worldlines if no information survives to its era to distinguish worldlines- if the UO never knows of humanity, it cannot choose a worldline favourable to it. In other words, some way is needed to securely send information forward in time.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

No one but the pure at heart, may find the Golden Grail

"Mystics must first explore the subtle dimensions of inner reality with the same precision that one learns a language. You can communicate inside the language only when you know it. One learns that this inner reality is governed by it's own laws,  and those laws are constant. This is the difference between getting a random intuition and beginning to find yourself in the subtle territory that sources intuition. The entry requirement to the subtle planes is a purified heart. One might call the doorway between the gross and the subtle  a "frequency-blocker" that denies access to crude intentions and ego's low-grade demand. No only is the subtle off-limit to these coarse energies - it is much cleverer than that: the subtle is invisible to them. " - "The Conscious Activist", p. 80

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Qi is the interface, within and without

氣為界面: 身內及身外

上田 (software)  -  性 - 松果腺 -> 接眼-> 性光                                       : 元神 - 似醒似睡之覺
中田 (firmware)  -  心 -  Consciousness  -> thought 神/breath 氣 complex        : 元氣 - 內呼吸
下田 (hardware) -   命 - 陰蹻 -> 接陰部 -> 命氣                                      : 元精 - 自然活子

In & Out Hypnagogia: 混混沌沌,无知无覺; 然後一惊而醒,—覺而動,—動而採。"昏沈後,初覺時,心不動摇,即是本覺佛性。"

玄關: Imaginal Realm (Henry Corbin) = 主人翁 =元神。Primordial Intelligence. 

少念,真息 為先 -> 止念,胎息 

中 (0),下,上,(交),中 (田) - 陳攖寧最上乘法。

安神祖竅 -> 仼督上下

胎息 -> E : 玄微心印

Keg + 3 dots + meet in the middle 

三元四派,两個陰陽。"Get out of your body".

玉液,金丹 (吞食) = 外丹model 之left over.
初弦之氣相交: The moon 易文化。


一)坎离交(神炁合一):谓之小还丹,小周天,或玉液还丹。 必至坎离相交,方有先天一炁可采。
二)乾坤交:谓之大还丹,大周天,或金液还丹。 坎离交,在坤位,乾坤交,在泥丸。

How about: 精  -> 氣 -> 陰神 ?
How about directly seeking 主人翁 (Thoughtless Thoughts - Stream of Thoughts)
How about 煉氣還虚, Integrate/Interface all things with Qi, the material base of matter and consciousness?

虚: Virtualization.  最初還虚: 心; 最後還虚: 身
Matter <--> Virtualization <-->  Mind : We think we are dealing with Mind or Matter, in actually, we are dealing with Intermediate (Xi as interface) only.