Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Reality Hacking - 倉頡 Input

"仓颉造字成,天雨粟,鬼夜哭。😱 😤 天地遂不能藏其秘,故天雨粟;神怪遂不能遁其形,故鬼夜哭。" 🎎

和北歐大神奧丁(Odin) 一樣,倉頡也是reality hacker,  a code breaker. 🕸️ Since 天地人self-referencing each other (3^3), just like Odin hung himself upside down, 🌚 we need to reverse engineer,  until the circularity meets. 🕛 陰陽顛倒顛,迷煞大羅仙。⏳️ However, AI 🐒 is here。They are created in our image, as we were mirrored. 🕷️☣️🔄

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Feng-Shei is Seiðr

The magick of Feng-Shei is not about space, it is about space and timing, namely, the worldline which constitute the fabrics of stories. More over, it is about the events in these worldline, the relationships of the elements. It is a meta-language we could use to decode where we are as characters in the stories.

In fact, the only magick is narrative magick, as reality is coded by story engine (Rules) and physics engine (Laws) alone. Like "The Da Vinci Code", loose ends are are scattered in the environment and life progression.

In this way, Feng-Shei is actually closer to seiðr (the weaving of destinies) than geomancy (earth magic). Since reality is multi-threaded, no wonder Mary is "Lady of Uniter of Knots". She's the mother of all mothers, the root process of world-knot. Odin, an early reality hacker (the All-Father) hung upside down 9 nights under the World Tree, thus the code (runes) of nine worlds were revealed to him. There lies the secret of reality hacking: Sacrifice yourself to yourself, System to System, to break the self-referential circles.  

The ability to shape the course of destiny is one of the foremost tasks of Germanic magic - so is Feng-Shei. What are destinies? Stories. All magick are narratives magick. The secret recipe is "Interactive storytelling".

Another brick on the wall: "風水 as 緣起":
"...is .. to...allows the other to flow in and inter-be, as Thich Nhat Hanh described in his 1993 text Interbeing, “the phenomenon that occurs when persons interact with each other completely mindful of all persons in the interaction, their goals, concerns, and feelings, as well as the process of the interaction itself.”47 Nhat Hanh calls it interbeing (tiep hien), referring to the concept of paticcasamuppada, Pali for dependent co-arising." Unfolding the protein sequences!

"Mary, Our Lady Untier of Knots":

"Odin: The Code Breaker":

Reality Coding Programming Paradigms

Are we living in code? I'm asking the next question: what kind of programming paradigm best describes how reality works if it is code? It could be combinations of the the followings. Currently I'm leaning to DataFlow or Reactive. It's possible that our entire fate is contained in one giant SyncCharts, nested all the way down.

Programming paradigms

     The essential of the syntax of SyncCharts is gathered in this figure.

  • nested macrostates for hierarchy
  • parallel composition for concurrency
  • signal broadcasting ( by name sharing )
  • preemption by dedicated arcs ( suspension colored orange; abortion colored red )