Monday, October 30, 2017

Reality is like graphs

Reality is Code, or rather, Reality is Graphs (think Bayesian network). Reality is graphs, graphs all the way down, up, inside turned out. Reality is deep web of semantics parsing through recursive neural network, parsing through self-referential encoding. The first rule of Reality Hacking is finding self-referential signals in connected graphs, as self-referential is the sign of Intelligence. Intelligence is self-morphing. It was in the bootstrap, in the patching and optimization. It is Evolution itslef. Evolution is a linked tree of life, expressed in matter and mind. The node of graphs is the unit of Information, scale-free. This is how we should build the Rite of Spring Framework, by graphs language.  Reality is code, code is graphs. Graphs is reality. Connected or not, all is graphs.

Rest, to (re)Connect.

As for Reality Coding/Hacking language: start with Wolfram Language (symbolic programming which everything is an expression) and end with Intentional Programming.

Wolfram Algorithmbase (Building the world's largest web of connected algorithms)