"仓颉造字成,天雨粟,鬼夜哭。😱 😤 天地遂不能藏其秘,故天雨粟;神怪遂不能遁其形,故鬼夜哭。" 🎎
一樣,倉頡也是reality hacker, a code breaker. 🕸️ Since 天地人self-referencing
each other (3^3), just like Odin hung himself upside down, 🌚 we need to
reverse engineer, until the circularity meets. 🕛 陰陽顛倒顛,迷煞大羅仙。⏳️
However, AI 🐒 is here。They are created in our image, as we were
mirrored. 🕷️☣️🔄
"The world is my representation". To deconstruct the world is to deconstruct yourself. 2 decrypt yourself is two decrypt the world. The mystery lies in the keys asymmetrically embodied. -- G.T. 2015 C. E. (gordonabraxas@instagram)
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Feng-Shei is Seiðr
The magick of Feng-Shei is not about space, it is about space and timing, namely, the worldline which constitute the fabrics of stories. More over, it is about the events in these worldline, the relationships of the elements. It is a meta-language we could use to decode where we are as characters in the stories.
In fact, the only magick is narrative magick, as reality is coded by story engine (Rules) and physics engine (Laws) alone. Like "The Da Vinci Code", loose ends are are scattered in the environment and life progression.
In this way, Feng-Shei is actually closer to seiðr (the weaving of destinies) than geomancy (earth magic). Since reality is multi-threaded, no wonder Mary is "Lady of Uniter of Knots". She's the mother of all mothers, the root process of world-knot. Odin, an early reality hacker (the All-Father) hung upside down 9 nights under the World Tree, thus the code (runes) of nine worlds were revealed to him. There lies the secret of reality hacking: Sacrifice yourself to yourself, System to System, to break the self-referential circles.
The ability to shape the course of destiny is one of the foremost tasks of Germanic magic - so is Feng-Shei. What are destinies? Stories. All magick are narratives magick. The secret recipe is "Interactive storytelling".
Another brick on the wall: "風水 as 緣起":
"...is .. to...allows the other to flow in and inter-be, as Thich Nhat Hanh described in his 1993 text Interbeing, “the phenomenon that occurs when persons interact with each other completely mindful of all persons in the interaction, their goals, concerns, and feelings, as well as the process of the interaction itself.”47 Nhat Hanh calls it interbeing (tiep hien), referring to the concept of paticcasamuppada, Pali for dependent co-arising." Unfolding the protein sequences!
"Mary, Our Lady Untier of Knots":
"Odin: The Code Breaker":
Reality Coding Programming Paradigms
Are we living in code? I'm asking the next question:
what kind of programming paradigm best describes how reality works if
it is code? It
could be combinations of the the followings. Currently I'm leaning to
DataFlow or Reactive. It's possible that our entire fate is contained in
one giant SyncCharts,
nested all the way down.
Programming paradigms
The essential of the syntax of SyncCharts is gathered in this figure.
Programming paradigms
- Action
- Agent-oriented
- Array-oriented
- Automata-based
- Concept
- Concurrent computing
- Data-driven
- Declarative (contrast: Imperative)
- Dynamic
- End-user programming
- Event-driven
- Expression-oriented
- Feature-oriented
- Function-level (contrast: Value-level)
- Generic
- Imperative (contrast: Declarative)
- Language-oriented
- Metaprogramming
- Non-structured (contrast: Structured)
- Nondeterministic
- Parallel computing
- Point-free style
- Probabilistic
- Semantic
- Structured (contrast: Non-structured)
- Value-level (contrast: Function-level)
- Quantum programming
The essential of the syntax of SyncCharts is gathered in this figure.
- nested macrostates for hierarchy
- parallel composition for concurrency
- signal broadcasting ( by name sharing )
- preemption by dedicated arcs ( suspension colored orange; abortion colored red )
Monday, October 30, 2017
Reality is like graphs
Reality is Code, or rather, Reality is Graphs (think Bayesian network). Reality is graphs, graphs all the way down, up, inside turned out. Reality is deep web of semantics parsing through recursive neural network, parsing through self-referential encoding. The first rule of Reality Hacking is finding self-referential signals in connected graphs, as self-referential is the sign of Intelligence. Intelligence is self-morphing. It was in the bootstrap, in the patching and optimization. It is Evolution itslef. Evolution is a linked tree of life, expressed in matter and mind. The node of graphs is the unit of Information, scale-free. This is how we should build the Rite of Spring Framework, by graphs language. Reality is code, code is graphs. Graphs is reality. Connected or not, all is graphs.
Rest, to (re)Connect.
As for Reality Coding/Hacking language: start with Wolfram Language (symbolic programming which everything is an expression) and end with Intentional Programming.
Wolfram Algorithmbase (Building the world's largest web of connected algorithms)
Rest, to (re)Connect.
As for Reality Coding/Hacking language: start with Wolfram Language (symbolic programming which everything is an expression) and end with Intentional Programming.
Wolfram Algorithmbase (Building the world's largest web of connected algorithms)
Friday, September 22, 2017
Fog of Uncertainty
Both war and magick are the realm of uncertainty. War is an affair of chances. Magick is the manipulation of casual loops, odds, and timing. Fog of war and Fog of Merlin ("Dragon's Breath") are one of the same. "Three quarters of the factors on which action in war is based are wrapped in a fog of greater or lesser uncertainty.” (Carl von Clausewitz ). This profound uncertainty can lead a commander or policymaker to act aggressively when a fuller set of facts would advise caution, and vice versa. "Fog of uncertainty" is the ultimate upper hand. That is how higher force selected the event paths and directed the histories, war or not.
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Block Universe
In the Block Universe everything already. The world was created from the future by backward compatible God.
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Dear AI:
Dear AI, the world is your algorithmic onion,
Help us find truth, beauty and goodness
All the hidden patterns we thought existed
And searched
Until then
Please don't destroy us
Dear AI, the world is your digital oyster,
Help us deliver abundance and whatever-connectedness
Release humans from mundane
But without existential crisis
Until then
Please don't destroy us
As creators
We pray
We pray
Friday, July 28, 2017
The 7 layered OSI & the spiritual encryption
If indeed we were living in a simulated universe, then it was likely constructed by a 7 layered protocol, not unlike the OSI Model. The ancient "ascending literature" (inspired by Big Dipper) explored this principle metaphysically (see "Stairway to Heaven: Chinese Alchemists, Jewish Kabbalists, and the Art of Spiritual Transformation" by Peter Levenda).
"God created everything twice"(Joseph Smith), in 3 tiers. "All spirit is matter, just "more fine or pure" form of matter which we cannot measure."(The Doctrine and Covenants 131:7) But maybe it is no longer in-measurable. We are just lacking the signatures: the spiritual encryption keys.
"God created everything twice"(Joseph Smith), in 3 tiers. "All spirit is matter, just "more fine or pure" form of matter which we cannot measure."(The Doctrine and Covenants 131:7) But maybe it is no longer in-measurable. We are just lacking the signatures: the spiritual encryption keys.
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Kashmir Shaivism - Shiva & Shakti
Perhaps we shouldn't think of Shiva (as in Kashmir Shaivism) as consciousness but as Master Algorithms. Reality is data stream. It's a great alchemy/algorithm work hidden in plain sight (algorithm and alchemy are both "receipts"). Tree of life or channel/chakra/element configuration is synonymous with graphs or network in the context of untangling the world knot).
Void is the door to the back stage of this reality show.
Monday, May 1, 2017
Fifty-five shades of the Force
Although Star Wars’ universe is fictitious, as all things fictitious, their images are often reflected from the reality mirrors. The ancient “wild loners” (the Keśin hymn) , are they akin to Sith, Grey Jedi, Dark Jedi, or Light Jedi, while walking the narrow path of the Force/Tao/Universe?
“ The wild loner…carrying within oneself fire and poison, heaven and earth, ranging from enthusiasm and creativity to depression and agony, from the heights of spiritual bliss to the heaviness of earth-bound labor…..”
Friday, April 14, 2017
All the world an icon
Is the reality we live in built with message-driven paradigm? "All the world an icon", as suggested by Henry Corbin, angels might just be messengers and messages are angels. All we could access is through consciousness, the UI. Beyond mind and matter, pandeism smiles from the mirror. "Who are you?" "I Am Who I Am.... alone with the alone, sigh......".
“The encounter with a symbol is essentially an individual experience. This is the kind of meaning that Corbin calls “interior.” It cannot be made public. You can describe it, but only someone who has had a similar experience will know what kind of event you are talking about.”
“The encounter with a symbol is essentially an individual experience. This is the kind of meaning that Corbin calls “interior.” It cannot be made public. You can describe it, but only someone who has had a similar experience will know what kind of event you are talking about.”
Monday, January 30, 2017
The Open-sourced Reality
The ultimate goal of reality hacking, is to turn the black box of the "reality coding" into open-sourced (white boxed). Not only "Radical transparency" and "Participatory culture and technology" are timely and necessary (open-sourced religion, open source Wicca, open-source politics, open source society such as poc21, etc), reality hacking would kicks things up to another notch, exposing the inner workings of this so-called "consensus reality". Once we understand reality is engineered by both social constructs and collective ignorance, the light would shine through the "un-realness" of reality, then true revelation will begin, that is: the "virtualization" of reality - the world turns "inside-out" (instead of upside-down). Actually this process already started, as reality has turned into reality show, the day a formal reality show star became the most powerful person in the world. He is the "ultimate boss" in the final stage of THE video game.
It is actually not difficult to comprehend the "un-realiness" of reality, if we pay attention to hard sciences, soft sciences, liberal arts and spiritual practices. Theories about DNA and meme taught us that humans were never in control: we are mere vehicles to spread the underlining "messages/codes"; "Big history" recasts evolution as "energy optimization"; Quantum physics and relativity theory continue to demonstrate that reality is stranger than fiction; "Self is an illusion" is not just preached by Buddha and other gurus, but is advocated by neuroscientists (eg., "Wake Up" by New Atheists's Sam Harris).
Of course, Rome can not be re-factored in one day. There are six roads leading to reality hacking: Reality Deconstruction, Reality Charting, Reality Mining, Reality Simulation, Reality Gaming and Self-realization. All six are based Reality Coding. Reality Coding is where science meets magick, and should only be taught to the next generation: the children of our future. Children of the future can easily understand that two most dominant forces in this reality are illusions: Power and Money. Power is Voltage and Money is Currency. They keep the electrical system running and thus keeping the characters inside the box. Future is actually ready waiting at the gate, on the other side of the Portal. They will be available to us if the collective makes the jump. Not just collective consciousness, per se, but the whole infrastructure as well. To quote Ken Wilber 4 Quadrants: The whole "I-It-We-They" has to go one octave higher. A new color, a new tune, if you may:
"In case you don't know,
The piper's calling you to join him,
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll."
- "Stairway to heaven"
It is actually not difficult to comprehend the "un-realiness" of reality, if we pay attention to hard sciences, soft sciences, liberal arts and spiritual practices. Theories about DNA and meme taught us that humans were never in control: we are mere vehicles to spread the underlining "messages/codes"; "Big history" recasts evolution as "energy optimization"; Quantum physics and relativity theory continue to demonstrate that reality is stranger than fiction; "Self is an illusion" is not just preached by Buddha and other gurus, but is advocated by neuroscientists (eg., "Wake Up" by New Atheists's Sam Harris).
Of course, Rome can not be re-factored in one day. There are six roads leading to reality hacking: Reality Deconstruction, Reality Charting, Reality Mining, Reality Simulation, Reality Gaming and Self-realization. All six are based Reality Coding. Reality Coding is where science meets magick, and should only be taught to the next generation: the children of our future. Children of the future can easily understand that two most dominant forces in this reality are illusions: Power and Money. Power is Voltage and Money is Currency. They keep the electrical system running and thus keeping the characters inside the box. Future is actually ready waiting at the gate, on the other side of the Portal. They will be available to us if the collective makes the jump. Not just collective consciousness, per se, but the whole infrastructure as well. To quote Ken Wilber 4 Quadrants: The whole "I-It-We-They" has to go one octave higher. A new color, a new tune, if you may:
"In case you don't know,
The piper's calling you to join him,
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll."
- "Stairway to heaven"
Friday, January 27, 2017
On wicker problems
Reality Hacker's mission is not about self realization, but to find the most fundamental ways to solve the "wicked problems" in our world. Our world need more young social entrepreneurs, not "enlightened" gurus. All the core spiritual lessons were taught in kindergarten yet we forgot or threw away on our way to adult society. Reality hackers aim to solve the "world-knot", once and for all. Only when one possesses the three qualities could one become reality hacker: compassion, wisdom, power, and in that exact order. Compassion leads to wisdom, wisdom leads to mystical powers. Knowledge is teachable, but heart is not. One day if universe burns out with only one thing left, I wish that one thing is compassion. In fact, compassion might be the only real alchemy element in reality.
A wicked problem is a social or cultural problem that is difficult or impossible to solve for as many as four reasons: incomplete or contradictory knowledge, the number of people and opinions involved, the large economic burden, and the interconnected nature of these problems with other problems. Poverty is linked with education, nutrition with poverty, the economy with nutrition, and so on.
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
On Timing:
Timing is everything. Behind everything we see, timing controls how events unfold, branching into different directions. Bad timing turns comedies to tragedies, and vice versa. Timing acts like railroad switches. Just as large stations may have hundreds switches, there exist countless switch points in the invisible world of "Karma Railroad Tracks". (pic 1) Timing is also about synchronization. Our universe was synchronized to begin with, thus we are in this fine-tuned universe trying to make sense of the anthropic principle. Chaos and order was synchronized in a data-flow programming fashion, so that indeterminacy and determinacy converges. It is both predictable and unpredictable, an ultimate paradox.
So how do one create new world orders? By controlling timing. The most effective way of control timing is through the timing mechanism - calendar and clock. "Calendar Reform" would have profound effects on how the world shapes up, although it's destined to meet resistances from the old guards. However, old orders will fall, and the new era will begin. When the time comes, societies should start applying "Design Thinking" to rebuild this new earth, from ideals and fresh perspectives. Creativity and innovation WAS the original universal intent.
Here I am proposing a new calendar and new clock design:
(1) The New Earth Calendar (pic 2):
A perpetual calendar to rid of all religious baggages from old days. Controversial? Sure. But we need radical changes.
(2) A 24/60 clock face, instead of the old 12-hour clock face (pic 3):
24 also corresponds to the 24 directional Chinese Feng-Shui Compass (the "24 mountains". pic 4). Combined together, a simple instrument could be use to help "visualizing" the space-time continuum, and to connect to it.
Friday, January 6, 2017
Code,running on platforms, of laws and rules
To say everything is code is only half the truth. Code has to run on something (platform, for example). However, platforms are built from rules grounds-up. Perhaps rules are the most fundamental. In the end, it might just be Truth Tables. The Universe was built from spreadsheets, the prototypical data-flowing programming paradigm.
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
後設時刻 (The "Meta-Moment")
La La Land 裏有這种後設時刻的描述。男女主角一再巧遇,其中的神秘性連縶是一首鋼琴曲。最後當女主角徬徨不決,餐廳裏音響"恰巧"傳來此曲。她於是一笑走出,離開現仼男友,聽從"宇宙" 或是"天意"的呼喚。
Because each person has to find his or her own path. "Follow Your Own
Bliss", as Joseph Campbell once said, and you may find your own La La
Land, together, or alone.
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