Tuesday, May 31, 2016

"The rider is mind, and the horse is wind"

One of the great insight from Tibetan Buddhism is to point out the circular dependency between consciousness and matter (in the form of bodily subtle energy), and provide ways to decouple this Gordian Knot to reach non-duality. The followings are original teachings from Tilopa. Simplicity is the best form. 

(1) Inner Heat Yoga (on energy):

The yogic body, a collection of energy channels,
Coarse and subtle, possessing the energy fields,
Is to be brought under control.
The method begins with the physical exercises.
The vital airs [i.e., energies] are drawn in,
Filled, retained and dissolved.
There are the two side channels,
The central channel avadhuti,
And the four chakras.
Flames rise from the chandali fires at the navel.
A stream of nectar drips down
From the syllable HAM at the crown,
Invoking the four joys.
There are four results, like that similar to the cause,
And six exercises that expand them.
This is the instruction of Charyapa.

(2) Six Words of Advice (on mind):

Don’t recall.
Don’t imagine.
Don’t think.
Don’t examine.
Don’t control.

This, too, shall pass

You are not real - once this is directly experienced, the body-mind would dissolve, to give rise to new mind-body. On the other hand, it is the gradual dissolution of body-mind (consciousness-subtle energy complex) which led to this direct experience. Spirit is Matter, as Bernadette Roberts described. Sometimes, it takes a great flood to wash away the foundation of Selfhood, exactly one year ago..... Death, bardo, rebirth, bardo. Reality is more like: symbolic processing......


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Singularity - convergence of involution and evolution

If we subscribe to the theory of "involution -> evolution", then the long chain of being is akin to series of "trans-primordial" movements with ever-increasing complexity and integration.  Human intelligence is not Intelligence 1.0.  Hopefully the next major release (emergence) bring out the best of all intelligence: nature, humankind and machine. Tomorrow if the universe wakes up, will she buy a birthday cake for you? 

What does it mean for the Light to be "enlightened"?